Actress, painter, singer Estelle Reiner, Carl Reiner’s wife, dies 94

Estelle Reiner (June 5, 1914 – October 25, 2008), described by The New York Times as "matriarch of one of the leading families in American comedy", was an actress who was the wife of Carl Reiner and the mother of Rob Reiner. Reiner, herself, has been credited with delivering one of the most memorable lines in movie history.

Death of Estelle Reiner
Estelle Reiner died of natural causes on October 25, 2008 at age 94 in her home in Beverly Hills, California.

Estelle Reiner’s most enduring film role was in 1989’s When Harry Met Sally…, in which director Rob Reiner cast his mother as a customer in a scene with stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan at Katz’s Delicatessen, in which Ryan fakes what was described as "a very public (and very persuasive) orgasm". Approached by a waitress after Ryan finishes, Reiner deadpans "I’ll have what she’s having". The line was ranked 33rd on the American Film Institute’s list of the Top 100 movie quotations, just behind Casablanca’s "Round up the usual suspects".
